Mobile app development

With more than a dozen top applications and hundred of thousands of downloads across all stores we are one of the leading companies in the mobile software development.We offer great innovative apps and prompt customer support.
Customization and consulting

If you are looking for a tailored solution of one of our apps with your own company's logo, look and feel or simply require a fresh and new app for your business, do not hesitate to contact us. We have the best team and ideas waiting for you!
Our goal

Is to bring your business to higher levels and increase your revenue.
If you are experiencing problems with your products and services we are the right partners to resolve your software problems.
Incorporate Apps
Our company is specialised in the development of quality mobile software, offering our very own apps to the Android users across a number of marketplaces , as well as third party native Android Applications specially tailored to the needs of our customers. Here you will find all the news, events and everything you need to know about our current and upcoming applications. We are a leading player in the Android Market and all of our apps are top quality applications with huge amount of downloads and of course the same number satisfied customers.
If you want to know more about what we are up to, check us out on Twitter and Facebook for all the latest updates.
Featured Services
Find out more about our services and what we can do to increase your revenue.
Our goal is not just to deliver quality mobile software to the end user, but to also improve your daily activities with the help of our applications automating some of the repetitive tasks you encounter. If you like one of our applications and would like to customise it to fit for your business and structure we are here to assist you.
If you have an amazing idea, but lack the knowledge to convert it into a workable application we are the right team for your needs. Do not hesitate to contact us.

We work around the clock and care for quality
We are always working very hard to meet even the impossible deadlines. Within our first year we have already developed more than a dozen paid and free applications. We also develop apps for our customers around the globe who are also generating many downloads, because of our expertise and quality software. Our support is second to none and you can expect our support team to answer you within a couple of hours and assist you with resolving your issues. And yet our apps are bug free and are very well received by the end users.

Customization & Mobile Development
If you are in need of a top quality mobile app you have come to the right place. With our extended experience in the fields of text messaging, geo location, call blocking, roaming and data activities we have the right tools for you already developed. We at Incorporate Apps don't take "NO" for an answer and we never say "NEVER" - we always look at all angles to deliver cunning applications. Make sure to contact our sales team which can assist you in finding the best way to bring your idea into light and convert it into an amazing peace of mobile software within a reasonable amount of time.
News & Events
26nd/ April / 2021
Great news! We are among the winners @ the Apps World Blukii® Hackathon with our Emergency Assistance wearable pendant device!
The Hackfest Winners
22nd/ April / 2019
We will be at the Apps World @ The CityCube in Berlin, come and say hi!
Apps World Berlin
April / 2015
Our award winning app, winner of the Seamless Cities App Challenge is now online and can be downloaded from the Play Store completely free:
Nuremberg shopping app
21st / Oct / 2014
Our solution for drivers, the app "Drive Safe", is a winner of the "Connected Intersections" in New York Challenge by AT&T.
You can read more about the challenge here:
Connected Intersections Challenge
The app can be found on the Play Store and is completely free:
Drive Safe on the Play Store
10th / May / 2014
We have launched a new app called Philips Hue NFC Notifier. With the help of our app you can change the state of your smart
Philips Hue and friends bulbs with an NFC tag and also use the Android notification system to change their colour when a new notification arrives. Check out the app here:
Philips Hue NFC
28th / March / 2014
Apple is filling to patent one of our apps, Walk N Text - Type n Walk as their own idea - good for them for being so "creative". It is always great to know that one of the most innovative companies in the world decide to copy our idea.
Apple 'invents' brilliant "transparent texting" solution that has already existed for years
11th / February / 2014
Incorporate Apps was selected among 60 (11 in the finals) very competitive teams from 4 countries to develop our idea for the "Experience Nuremberg Shopping" app. We are very pleased to win such an eventful competition and to be able to deliver an app for the city of Nuremberg which will greatly enhance the shopping and tourist experience in the city.
SeamlessCities App Developer Camp Winners announced
10th / December / 2013
We are pleased to announce that we have developed an app to help the citizens of Berlin and Hamburg identify potentially
dangerous neighbourhoods and easily find crimes on a map. Available for Android.
Berlin Verbrechen
Hamburg Verbrechen
21th / March / 2013
In an effort to bring our apps to every user, even the users with disabilities we are bringing our new app, Talking Caller ID/Talking SMS to the Play Store. We are also working hard on our other call controlling app, "Total Call Control Pro", to bring full control to every smartphone user even the visually impaired among us. You can download the app here:
Talking Caller ID on the Google Play Store
1st / February / 2013
We have been part of the Mobiroo Store for almost a year now, but we are happy to announce the launch of their unique subscription model store - apps on demand, all you can eat for a simple monthly fee or about 2$. Who can resist? With about 10% market share on their exclusive store we feel very confident about their success!
Mobiroo Subscription Store
Mobiroo Giftcard Store
1st / January / 2013
A Very Happy New Year to all of you! We have more apps coming in 2013, thank you for the support!
29th / November / 2012
A new app to be used with our award winning Location Based Reminder Spoty - Fake GPS Location. The app can be used with any other 3rd party location app like Foursquare, Maps, Whatsapp etc.
Fake GPS Location on the Google Play Store
15th / September / 2012
We have teamed up with LG World to bring our apps to their platform. Most of the apps are already ported, stay tuned for more news.
15th / July / 2013
Yet another store where you can find our apps. The Mobiroo Gift Card Shop, a unique shopping experience with about 200 exclusive apps, 15 of which are from us, Incorporate Apps. Great news!
Mobiroo Giftcard Store
1st / June / 2012
We have moved! From now on you can find us on our new company address in the capital of Germany, Berlin!
29th / January / 2012
We are happy to announce that Walk and Text is now successfully ported on iOS and available on the Apple's Appstore for all supported devices (Iphone 3/3GS, 4, 4S, Ipod Touch 4G, Ipad 2). You can download it via the following link:
Walk and Text on the Itunes Appstore
11th / December / 2011
Our app Walk and Text is now successfully ported on Bada 2.0 and available on the SamsungApps Store for all available devices (Wave 3 at the moment, more will come when Samsung releases the new 2.0 firmware OTA). Here is a short video demonstration:
Walk and Text Bada 2.0
12th / October / 2011
Incorporate Apps teams up with Vodafone Global to offer some of our applications on their exclusive 360 App Store.
1st / October / 2011
Incorporate Apps teams up with Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. to offer some of our applications on the SamsungApps Store for free. Promotion ends on 31/October/2011
28th / September / 2011
"Lost Droid" for Android. The only app you will need to control your mobile device in case it was stolen or lost.